General Settings

Refer to the pkg/config/auth.go file for the most up-to-date configuration options.

SettingDescriptionPossible Values
auth_methodSpecifies the authentication method to be used.ok, notok, clear_text, md5, scram, ldap, gss
passwordThe password used for authentication methods that require one. This is applicable for methods like clear_text, md5, and scram.Any string value
ldap_configThis is required if auth_method is set to ldap.See GSS Auth Settings
gss_configThis is required if auth_method is set to gss.See LDAP Auth Settings

Admin Console Auth Settings

In router and coordinator frontend_tls field. Refer to the pkg/config/tls.go file for the most up-to-date configuration options.

Setting NameDescriptionPossible Values
sslmodeDetermines the level of SSL/TLS protection to use for connections.disable, require, verify-ca, verify-full
key_filePath to the private key file to be used for SSL/TLS connections.Any valid filepath
cert_filePath to the certificate file to be used for SSL/TLS connections.Any valid filepath
root_cert_filePath to the root certificate file. This is used to verify the server’s certificate if sslmode is set to verify-ca or verify-full.Any valid filepath

GSS Auth Settings

Refer to the pkg/config/gss.go file for the most up-to-date configuration options.

Setting NameDescriptionPossible Values
krb_keytab_filePath to the Kerberos keytab file. This file is used for authenticating against a Kerberos server.Any valid filepath
krb_realmSpecifies the Kerberos realm. A realm is a network that is defined for authentication purposes.Any valid realm
include_realmDetermines if the realm should be included in the authentication process. This can affect how user names are interpreted.true, false

LDAP Auth Settings

Refer to the pkg/config/ldap.go file for the most up-to-date configuration options.

Setting NameDescriptionPossible Values
ldap_auth_modeSpecifies the LDAP authentication mode.UnencryptedMode
ldap_conn_configConfiguration for LDAP connection, including server URLs and connection mode.LDAPConnCfg
serversList of LDAP server URLs.array of strings (URLs)
prefixPrefix to be added to the username during authentication.string
suffixSuffix to be added to the username during authentication.string
bind_dnDistinguished Name (DN) to bind to the LDAP server.string
bind_passwordPassword for the bind DN.string
base_dnBase DN under which to search for users.string
search_attributeLDAP attribute to search against when looking up users.string
search_filterAdditional LDAP search filters.string